Monday, December 26, 2016

Umbrella Night

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Umbrella Night, oil on canvas board, 11x14 

It's another in a short series of umbrella paintings. And another red one at that. She out and about with all the lights and reflections. But she's dry, and central, and in everybody's mind, pretty special.   Click here to purchase.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

New Painting: Zesty Lemons

Zesty Lemons 1, 7"x10," acrylic on watercolor paper

It's all about color, and where else do we see that wonderful, almost shrill lively lemon color but in lemons? Add to that a suggestion of a jade jar in the background, some wonderful scratches with the palate knife betraying the sheer abandon and fun of the making, and there it is, a splash of beauty etched in a moment in time. That's what a painting is all about, or should be.  Click here for buying info.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

2nd Post: Apples with Pizazz

Hi Friends. Forgive me if you're seeing this a second time (or third). It's a new program for me and I'm still trying to get a handle on it.

Apples with Pizazz, 7"x10," acrylic on paper. For the season: $225

We already know what apples look like in real life. And some realistic painting of them can be beautiful. But what about when you add personality, movement, pizazz?  That's when a still life really comes to life. Powerful color, zesty stroke, contrast of the warms and cools and wow! It's in hearty acrylic on stiff and thick watercolor paper, ready for matting and framing. Click here for a larger view.  For purchase info click here.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Bright Outlook

Bright Outlook, 9"x12," oil on canvas panel
Normally $525, with season's discount, $325. Plus free shipping!

Bright Outlook is a small painting with a big presence. Who uses an umbrella that's red on the inside? She does, and no matter how gray the day, she'll will not be dampened. There is a covering. It's a good reminder for us all.

Here is the first post of a new blog designed to feature one painting at a time, with a brief description, and an option for purchase. Prices listed will match gallery prices but here available without a trip to gallery. And in fact, the art work featured here is exclusive and not available in a gallery at all.